“I already have lots of pictures, why would I need more?” or “I just took some nice photos with my phone, why should I hire someone to do just the same thing?”
A nice one: ” Which camera should I buy to take nice photos like you do?”, and “Cell phone cameras are so good nowadays, they make these big cameras obsolete”.
– I hear these and other similar comments often from people who don’t know much about professional photography and principals behind it (yet they feel sometimes entitled to lecture me on the subject).
Never mind that such comments may sound almost insulting – not just to me but to all pro photographers – I know no harm is intended (probably it is ignorance that speaks so). But well, perhaps it is time to explain in detail.
I answer that it is not about quantity, but about quality. Say you need photos for your business. If you don’t appreciate quality and don’t bother to pay attention to it – chances are that someone else who does, will have a much more attractive offer than you. Game over. You lost.
Quality matters in everything, and your professional image is only as good as is the weakest element of your presentation.
Same goes for drone aerial photography and video. Drone is just another tool which needs to be properly used. The fact that someone bought a drone does not mean he/she can take great photos even if he/she learned how to stay safely in the air. On top of controlling the drone in flight, you need to quickly decide about image composition, best light, angle, best settings, filters, and so on. And after that – you need to expertly edit the photos/video, to make them worthy a fine client.
There are HUGE differences between snapshots and professional high-end photography. Like any artistic skill, photography takes education and years of practicing to get better. It takes years of learning to master photo-editing skills too. Not to say there must be a reason why the heavy, clunky and expensive cameras are still being made in the era of pocket-size and cell phone cameras. Yes? And these cameras have many complicated options on top of the nasty AUTO mode which makes everything look mediocre.
Just because everyone can press a button and snap a pic using automatic settings of a pocket camera – it does not mean such photos are really suitable for professional use.
If you enjoy riding a bicycle, it does not mean you are a race car driver. If you know how to make scrambled eggs – it does not make you an exquisite chef for a 5-star restaurant. Most people realize things like that, yet somehow it is different with photography – that pressing a single button gives an illusion of it being so simple. Sooo simple, eh?
But in all honesty – can you see some differences between a quick snapshot and photos shown in Elle, Vogue, Vanity Fair, National Geographic, or Architectural Digest magazines?
How many times did I see real estate agents taking terrible photos of a million-dollar house (often screwing perspective so the house looks like falling down) and thinking they give a good representation and value to their client?
Hello! If something looks terrible, it won’t make a strong first impression! Or – will it? So, why Calvin Klein does not use snapshots for his high impact ads, and they are made by best professionals available?
Hard economy times? Yes, we all feel the pinch. But it is just one more reason to have the possibly best-looking offer!

Once again – without going into technicalities like camera’s sensor size, depth of field, image geometry, etc. –
the difference between a cheap looking snapshot and a fine image is created by:
– professional and artistic education of a photographer,
-his vision and talent,
-years of know-how hands-on experience,
– top quality specialized equipment selected and used for a shot (based on photographer’s expertise). That would be the camera, type of lens and filter, camera’s manually selected settings, tripod or other mounts, additional off-camera lighting setups – sometimes very elaborate, tethering of images on a computer screen if needed, use of backgrounds, gobos, and other accessories. And also making a model look the best, or selecting the best day-lighting or location.
Then, the assistance of a set decorator who makes sure all images have consistent look and all details are staged ok, assistance of a makeup artist in case of portraits, etc. etc.
The list is longer than you would ever thought.
Then comes the use of computers for post-production, with lots of specialized software to create just the right final look (and again all the know-how experience needed to do it). Then – in case of brochures, display images or booklets – comes preparation for print, which can also be poor or amazing. The overall quality will be only as good as the weakest element in this chain. Preparing a single photo often takes many hours of hard work.
Snapshot cameras will help you preserve your personal memories. This is what they really are designed for. But if you want to “wow” your clients and get their real attention in today’s very competitive world – you need to create a high impact offer in a professional manner. A modern, up-to-date Web site, a finely designed brochure printed in quality fashion, and you really need the best photos or video you can get, having them optimized for the exact purpose you intend them for.
And that is what I offer – the TOP END professional photography/video (yes, my photos were in VOGUE, NatGeo and other such posh magazines). Consider all above please and decide if you want the best. Because now that you know the difference – keep in mind – if you want to be better – you should get the best.
If you want your clients to LOVE YOUR PHOTOS or VIDEO, I will be happy to work with you.
(I can also assist with video, design, printing, and other related things. After all, I did run a fine publishing business and our products won international awards.)