I do have several books published, two of them being closest to my heart. Both of them are thick, elegant coffee table books containing several hundreds of my photographs.
You can order our books Tropical Homes of the Eastern Caribbean and Exotic Gardens of the Eastern Caribbean directly from me. We still have some authors’ copies left, and can sign them for you! (also offering a direct, bargain price only $15 USD + shipping, using PayPal.
They both are on the subject I love – Caribbean islands. You can learn more about them below. (Hugely popular, they are almost gone on Amazon, and already out of stock, sold out in most book stores.)
“A book so thick and decedent you can almost feel the tropical warmth penetrating from the heady images.” – San Francisco Book Reviews 2010 “
A distinctive book.” – Library Journal May 2010
Tropical Homes of the Eastern Caribbean won Gold at Benjamin Franklin Book Awards 2010 in New York. This fine international award is given for book publishing excellence. The same title was also shortlisted for Eric Hoffer Award 2010 for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
More comments and reviews:
“The authors’ passion for the Caribbean shines though on every page. The character of the lightly written stories, combined with the superb photography, creates a light and joyful reading experience full of the Caribbean sun.
– Sir Martin Taylor FRS, UK & Grenada”
“A delirious architectural tour of the most exotic and fanciful homes in the Caribbean, this exquisitely photo¬graphed collection of eye-popping residences is bursting with playfully challenging design. While the work featured might not be applicable to every home, getting lost in the images is a vacation in itself. The sense of liberation and unbridled exuberance is nothing short of thrilling. This gets my vote for best book to curl up with in January when you want a respite from the Wisconsin winter. “
– Robert Bundy, Milwaukee Home & fine living July 2010
“You’ll find instant, sunny gratification in the 304 pages of lush photographs… The words and stories are entertaining, but photographs are especially arresting. The colour intense pictures may well ignite your own trip of discovery to islands, leaving winter behind.”
– Ottawa Citizen, Canada
“It’s a display of fascinating samples selected from the wealth of architectural styles abounding in the region.”
– EGO magazine, Montreal
“The new coffee table book gives readers a taste of the different architectural styles found on the Caribbean Islands — in an extraordinary intensity.”
– Times Colonist, Canada
You can also browse books pages on amazon.com, where they can be ordered. If you are not from North America, please check your closest Amazon site or a major book seller in your country – you should find these books available for ordering. If not – contact us – we still have some authors’ copies left, and can sign them for you! (also offering a direct, bargain price!!!)
Buy directly from me a signed copy of Tropical Homes $15 + flat international shipping (5 lbs!) $18 = $33 USD. That’s with shipping LESS than cover price on Amazon!
Use Buy Now button to pay with PayPal, Credit or Debit cards.
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You will see payment to “photosalon@ozonezonebooks.com”.
I will email you tracking number once shipped. Keep in mind shipping from Dominica (parcel post) may take a few weeks! Thank you!
Order Tropical Homes from Amazon Canada (free shipping)
Order Tropical Homes from Amazon in USA (free shipping)
“If you’ve ever visited one of these islands, this is a wonderful keepsake; if you’ve never been, it’s a temptation to go.”
– Halifax Herald, December 5th 2010
It is a masterpiece, an amazing work of sheer artistry, imagination, and indeed of romance.”
– Stuart Hall (United Kingdom) BBC, ITV ( It’s A Knockout, Look North)
“It looks like a labour of love, and you have every right to be proud of it. And it’s amazing that this is bilingual too. Just on the first flipping through, we are already overwhelmed by the images and thoughts. Congratulations!”
– Robert Bateman and Birgit Freybe Bateman, artists
“Written in both French and English, this coffee table delight brims with dazzling photographs of the gardens but also includes intriguing tidbits about the inhabitants, gardeners or otherwise, that populate these tranquil island paradises. If you’ve ever visited one of these islands, this is a wonderful keepsake; if you’ve never been, it’s a temptation to go”.
– Jodi DeLong, Halifax Herald, December 5th 2010
“This book is well written and has stunning photography, superbly arranged and produced. For those of us who have enjoyed traveling to the Eastern Caribbean, these are the pictures we tried to take but couldn’t. This is the kind of book we want on the coffee table, to leaf through and admire.”
– Benjamin Franklin Awards juror 2011
Buy directly from me a signed copy of Exotic Gardens for $15 + flat international shipping (5 lbs!) $18 = $25 USD. That’s with shipping LESS than cover price on Amazon!
Use Buy Now button to pay with PayPal, Credit or Debit cards.
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Exotic Gardens book” amount=”33.00″]
You will see payment to “photosalon@ozonezonebooks.com”.
I will email you tracking number once shipped. Keep in mind shipping from Dominica (parcel post) may take a few weeks! Thank you!
Order from Amazon Canada:
Exotic Gardens of the Eastern Caribbean (free shipping)
Order Exotic Gardens from Amazon in USA:
Order from Amazon in USA (free shipping)
OR buy from us – we still have some authors’ copies left, and can sign them for you! (also offering a direct, bargain price!!!)
Exotic Gardens wins Silver at prestigious Nautilus Book Awards 2011!
I can also help you create a similarly lusch publication if you are looking for book design, writing, editing and printing services.
Thank you for your interest!